Seas0nPass Tethered Jailbreak 5.3 (iOS 6.1.4 – 10B809) For AppleTV 2

Topic: Seas0nPass Tethered Jailbreak 5.3 (iOS 6.1.4 – 10B809) For AppleTV 2

((( There is no Jailbreak for ATV3, and This Video is only for ATV2 )))

Seas0nPass did it again and brought us yet another Best jailbreak for AppleTV 2

NOTE: Since My Jailbreak didn’t show me the FC logo, and i wanted the video to be out quickly i had to Ssh XBMC to it via nito Installer

( Once Jailbreak is done, You will see the FC logo but there is no XBMC preloaded you need to SSh XBMC )

Things to Know:

1. Tell Difference Which AppleTV your Holding ( AppleTV 2 or The New AppleTV 3)

2. Download Seas0nPass

About cagex007

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  1. I am having trouble getting ATV2 to be recognized by tiny umbrella. Itunes keeps opening and asking if I want to restore it.
    I am running Mac OSX 10.8.4 and latest tiny umbrella and ATV2 is 5.2.1.
    can you assist?

  2. The video to jailbreak and tether boot the atv2 is great, but i’m still having issues with the itunes errors 1601, 1602 and 1604 in both OS (Mac [Lion – latest update] and Win7) both with itunes 11.0.4

    I followed the suggestions to continue nd tethered boot the atv2 even when the error 1601 or 1602 appeared… but still no luck, and when i tried to install nito or xbmc, the nito installer and xbmc hub software showed a messgae that my atv2 was not jailbreaked.

    What do you recommend to do? can i tried a workaround on this or just keep trying and hope for a moment of luck? If i re-install itunes on my macbook, do you thin that that could actually help?

    Thanks in advance for your time, hope you can suggest something… have a great day!

    • If your trying to jailbreak with latest version of iOS its tethered JB its not untethered and you wont get error message, try again

  3. I am trying to jailbreak my Apple TV gen 2. I have version 5.3 (6105) on it.
    I have downloaded the latest version of SeasOnpass from your website onto a
    MacBookPro. After I have completed the download, I click on the image to
    create the IPSW. It never asks me to connect the power or USB to the Apple
    TV. It just starts downloading the software. When I look at it, it shows
    that it is loading AppleTV2 1_5.2 not 5.3. I go thru all the steps it asks
    me to do, then when it launches iTunes, which I have the latest version of,
    it show no progress of restoring my Apple TV, just to wait. I have been
    waiting more than 45 min. and nothing happens. I notice that the space on my
    hard drive is getting smaller. So, I can not get past this point. I have
    done this more than once this day. Any ideas? Please help.



    • if it never asked you, how did Seas0nPass go through it will ask you to place it under DFU mode, if you didn’t get that then something wrong check your MircoUSB wire, and also make sure your iTunes and PC is up to date… and your drive space getting smaller, will file is about 600MB and jailbreaking iPSW is about same, so if its two times it only used 1.2GIG that is nothing.. not sure why you loosing space on your Drive!…

  4. after the 5.3 update IS0 okay after Diche off and relight the most part do not I have to do every time the boot Tethered as there ever a resolution

  5. hi i done jailbreak using season pass on atv2 running 5.0.2 i also have the fc logo in settings but when i try to install nito tv to atv it says not jailbroken jailbreak first.any help would be greatful.

  6. Hi, my atv2 5.3 won’t give me wifi connection and networking for the atv not working. If I jailbreak it, would it solve my problems? Thanks

  7. Thanks xctechs everything I’ve done with jbing and atv has been because of your amazing tutorials and videos. Great stuff. I jbed an atv for a friend with 5.3 I was able to tether boot it with my computer but he can’t seem to tether it with his. Any suggestions. Thanks again guys. What’s your accent? You make the best videos.

    • it should tether, if you finished your JB properly, but make sure you don’t disconnect your ATV2 from power after tether-boot is done

  8. Hi i Have aTV 2 5.3, i downloaded Seas0npass 0.9.3. When i click on create IPSW an errow windos says Sorry: device not supported by Seas0npass! Any suggestions?

  9. I am getting a unique error message. I have downloaded the latest version of Seasonpass and iTunes. I have verified that I have a 2nd gen aTV (720p resolution only) and that it is running version 5.3 (6105) software. I have tried different combinations of plugging in the power cable first, second or not at all. Seasonpass won’t recognize the box without the power cable plugged in. Once it detects the box it goes through the software acquisition process and creates the proper ipsw file. I verified the file name and location in the seasonpass folder. 2 copies, one in the seasonpass folder, one in the download folder within the seasonpass folder. On each attempt the sesonpass program stops at the point where I place the device into DFU mode with the error message: Error entering DFU mode. This device not supported by Seasonpass. The program then returns to the start screen. I have tried closing Seasonpasss and using iTunes directly to restore but I can’t get iTunes to recognize the new ipsw file without seasonpass. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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