AppleTV 2 – Install XBMC V12 Via NitoTV or aTV Flash (Black) 2.2 Very Angry Video

Topic: AppleTV 2 – Install XBMC V12 Via NitoTV or aTV Flash (Black) 2.2 Very Angry Video

Alot of you guys having issue with PuTTY or Terminal which makes no sence, and some of you don’t even know how to cut and paste, nevermind the spelling and front slash from back slash, here is a very easy way to install XBMC..

Things to Know:

1. You need about 5 minutes

2. Jailbreak your AppleTV 2


3. Tell Difference Which AppleTV your Holding ( AppleTV 2 or The New AppleTV 3)
( If still confused, search google to know which one you have )

4. Install Nito Installer on Windows

5. To Change Your OpenSsh Password on your AppleTV2 (Windows) (MAC)

6. If You Can’t Ssh To Your AppleTV Follow This Full Guide

NOTE: There are some Add-ons which is not compatible, That is not because you used Our video that is because Add-On Creators just didn’t take there time to update!… so before you Leave your Angry Message or Troll over our Video check your sources see where your Add-On Creator hangs up and Complain to them ( Cause if not your Message will be Deleted from our Video ) since its not related to our Video!!


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  1. I love, love, love, your how to videos. It it were not for you, I would be the owner of a useless atv 2. I can’t thank you enough for your videos and please keep up the GREAT work!!!!!

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